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CheckDEC is in the App Stores!

Clear Focus Media, LLC has been working with the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (Colorado), Children's Advocacy Center of Bristol County (Maine) and Fox Valley

Technical College (Wisconsin) to create a mobile app, and, drumroll please, it is now available at no cost in the app stores!

This app, called CheckDEC, is designed to connect drug and alcohol impacted children and families - and the professionals who work to help them - with a variety of resources in their own communities. The app uses geotagging to display maps showing the location of various local services. It also connects to national crisis helplines and includes a newsfeed and links to other resources like videos, websites and downloadable documents. People using the app can even upload a summary of their personal story using video or text to inspire others. (See Real-Life Stories.)

Input was sought from target audience members before production began on the app. Our goal was to create something that people would find truly helpful and beneficial.

We will be adding some additional features for professionals as well as more resources for children, families and professionals.

You can find more information about the app and companion website ( at the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children's website.

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