We finished production of Tuba Ted: The Man and The Music in September of 2019.
It’s always a jumble of feelings when we finish a documentary. There’s relief that a detailed project, in which we invested over two years, is now complete. There’s satisfaction that the beautifully shot visuals and artfully arranged visuals tell an interesting and compelling story. But there’s also a bit of insecurity… will other people like it? Will they receive our subject with the same affection we feel?
Will the story resonate with those who don’t know the person we featured?
So far, we have gotten good reviews from family, friends and film festivals.
Earlier this month (November 2019) Tuba Ted showed at the Eau Claire World Film Festival. The venue, The Pablo Center, was beautiful. The festival organizers, very personable and welcoming. The turnout for our screening was small, but very enthusiastic. We fielded questions following the showing and one member of our audience contacted her local library the following week to request a showing be held there. As a result, we will be visiting the Augusta Memorial Library (Augusta, Wisconsin) on Saturday, April 25, 2020 during National Library Week to show our film and follow it with a Q & A session.
This morning we received notification that Tuba Ted was selected to show at the Green Bay Film Festival on Saturday, March 7, 2020. We were there a few years ago with our film Missing Threads: The Story of the Wisconsin Indian Child Welfare Act and are delighted to be returning. 2020 will be the Festival’s 10th year, and we are honored to be a part of it.
We are planning for more festival and library showings over the several months and look forward to sharing our film about our friend Ted Goeden, a seasoned tuba player, business owner, influencer, mentor, consummate storyteller, and an excellent example of active aging.