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Ted at Bull Falls 2014.jpg

Tuba Ted:
the man and the music

This photo was taken on the night my husband and I met Ted Goeden. Ted was playing tuba with his friend Scott (on keyboard) at Bull Falls Brewery in Wausau. In between songs, Ted would tell jokes and stories. In between sets, he would walk around the room, stopping at tables to say hello and talk. It seemed he would never run out of words - or breath.


We were with several friends that evening, and we were all impressed with the music, and the patter. I made an offhand comment that Ted would make a great documentary subject. I had been working on some rather heavy topics for several years, and thought a lighter, fun project would be good. Truth be told, Ted's storytelling reminded me of my dad's, and I was missing him since he had passed away. 


That fateful night, the seed for the documentary that was to become Tuba Ted was planted and now, several years later, it is about ready to bloom.


It's been a long road to get here. Family crises have arisen and resolved. Health scares have come and gone. And precious time, always in short supply, has passed. We can't wait to begin showing this film which offers not only a glimpse into the life of a very interesting individual, but also a sense of joy and hopefulness, and oh yes, music. Wonderful music.

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