It has been a busy year, filled with the gifts of meaningful projects and wonderful people.
We recorded nine new interviews for our documentary about Wisconsin-born Army Captain Scott Alwin and those he served with in the 68th Assault Helicopter Company during the Vietnam War. Scott's children and widow talked about their family life, and the Veterans shared stories about their service together. These heroes brought out film team to laughter and tears along the way. We are continuing our research through state and national archives as we plan the rest of our interviews. Your financial support is welcome and appreciated.
Work continued on a mobile app project for the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children. This free app, CheckDEC, is now available in the Apple and Google app stores. Please download it and check out the information and resources available to help those who've been directly impacted by alcohol or other drug abuse - children, families and their friends. There are also resources available in the app to aid the professionals who work with these children and families. For those without a 'smart' device, there is also a website that mirrors the app.
Relating the stories of the Howard Young Foundation through Defining Moments Magazine continues to be a priority for us. We are honored to write the copy for the magazine. You can find PDFs of all past issues, and learn about the important work they're doing to ensure quality healthcare in northern Wisconsin.
This year we also did some newsletter copy editing for an insurance company, copy writing for a wonderful bank, and a few other odds and ends. In short, we have stayed busy. But more important, we relished the opportunity to work with people who are not only good clients, but great people.
And then there are our subcontractors/project collaborators: Kate Milani, Pamela Fullerton, Deanie Harris, Brian Alberth, David Reiling, Don Byrne, Bryan Piepenburg, Robin Patrick and Jessica Kopecky. You are each a pleasure to work with!
Thanks to all who have helped make 2021 a fantastic year. We wish you a joyful holiday season, and a healthy and happy 2022!