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Stretching Creative Muscles

woman stands in sunflower field and stretches arm

I make my living managing media production projects and writing video scripts, magazine articles, newsletter copy and other materials for my wonderful clients. This work requires a balance between sorting, deciphering and organizing information and helping my clients tell their stories in a creative, engaging manner. Just like any other skill or activity, this sometimes requires exercise.

While jumping jacks, lunges and yoga are great for physical health and flexibility, I find other ways to stretch my writing muscles. One annual exercise for me is to write a poem each day of April, National Poetry Month.

It doesn't matter what subject I choose, or what style of poetry I write during this span. Just the act of writing something that is only for fun helps me access once again a deeper level of creativity. I do keep what I wrote, but I don't censor myself as I'm writing. It might be a haiku inspired by an overheard conversation, an ode to a new grandchild or a prose poem about spring in Wisconsin (or the lack thereof). The only rule is that I write something each day.

What do you do to hone your vital work skills?

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